Simple LaTeX

Simple LaTeX consists of a set of newly defined and redefined commands in order to make typing complex equations in LaTeX easier. To use this package, download this file and paste it's contents into the preamble of your code (that is, after \documentclass but before \begin{document}).



  1. Magnitude
  2. \abs{x}
    $$ \left| x \right| $$
  3. Floor
  4. \floor{x}
    $$ \lfloor x \rfloor $$
  5. Ceiling
  6. \ceil{x}
    $$ \lceil x \rceil $$
  7. Brace Brackets
  8. \braces{x}
    $$ \lbrace x \rbrace $$
  9. Angular Brackets
  10. \angles{x}
    $$ \langle x \rangle $$
  11. Appropriately sized brackets
  12. \bigbrac{x}
    $$ \left( x \right) $$


  1. Reciprocal
  2. \reci{x}
    $$ \frac{1}{x} $$
  3. Brackets around a fraction
  4. \bigfrac{x}{y}
    $$ \left( \frac{x}{y} \right) $$


  1. Summation
  2. \summation{f(xi)}{i=1}{n}
    $$ \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} f(x_i) $$
  3. Products
  4. \product{f(xi)}{i=1}{n}
    $$ \prod\limits_{i=1}^{n} f(x_i) $$
  5. Union
  6. \union{Ai}{i=1}{n}
    $$ \cup_{i=1}^{n} A_i $$
  7. Intersection
  8. \intersection{Ai}{i=1}{n}
    $$ \cap_{i=1}^{n} A_i $$

Differential Calculus

  1. Slope
  2. \slope{x}{t}
    $$ \frac{\Delta x}{\Delta t} $$
  3. Limits
  4. \limitof{f(x)}{x}{0}
    $$ \lim\limits_{x \rightarrow 0} f(x) $$
  5. First Derivative
  6. \der{x}{t}
    $$ \frac{dx}{dt} $$
  7. nth Derivative
  8. \nder{x}{t}{n}
    $$ \frac{d^nx}{dt^n} $$
  9. Partial Derivative
  10. \partialder{x}{t}
    $$ \frac{\partial x}{\partial t} $$
  11. nth Partial Derivative
  12. \npartialder{x}{t}{n}
    $$ \frac{\partial^n x}{\partial t^n} $$
  13. Mixed Derivative
  14. \mixedder{x}{y}{t}
    $$ \frac{\partial^2 x}{\partial y \partial t} $$
  15. Evaluation at constant:

  16. Adding an extra 'k' at the end of ALL the above commands allows you to evaluate them at a particular constant (supplied as an additional argument)

    $$ \left( \frac{\partial^3 x}{\partial t^3} \right)_c $$

Integral Calculus

  1. Integral with limits
  2. \indefint{f(x)dx}{a}{b}
    $$ \int\limits_a^b f(x)dx $$
  3. Limits being evaluated
  4. \defint{f(x)}{a}{b}
    $$ \left| f(x) \right|_a^b $$


  1. Permutation
  2. \perm{n}{r}
    $$ ^n P_r $$
  3. Combination
  4. \comb{n}{r}
    $$ n \choose r $$


  1. Ordinal subscripts
  2. 1\st 2\nd 3\rd 4\nth
    $$ 1^{st} \ 2^{nd} \ 3^{rd} \ 4^{th}$$
  3. Expressions evaluated at a constant value
  4. \atconstant{ax2 + bx = c}{x=k}
    $$ \left( ax^2 + bx + c \right)_{x=k} $$
  5. Sequence
  6. \seq{x}{n}
    $$ x_1, x_2, x_3, \dots x_n $$
  7. Numbering an equation
  8. \numeq{2}
    $$ \ \dots \ (2) $$