
This website contains projects of mine that aren't games, simulations or websites!

Simple LaTeX

A set of newly defined and redefined LaTeX commands in order to make typing complex equations easier! It has been a part of all my LaTeX code written since November 2020! It includes:

This is actively updated as and when new features are realised. View the repository here.
Click here for a hands-on tutorial on some of its handy commands!

The Verbose Programming Language

A easily readable, dynamically typed, stack-based programming language that highly resembles English!

# A verbose program intended to showcase it's current features
say "Hello, World!" # Prints "Hello, World!"

# Prints firstName and lastName together
firstName is "Jane"
lastName is "Doe"
print "Full name: " + (firstName and lastName)

# Finds hypotenuse of a triangle
a = 3
b = 4
print "Hypotenuse = " + sqrt of (a square + b square)

# Proves a trignometric identity
angle = 20
print "sin^2 theta + cos^2 theta = " + (sin(angle)^2 + cos(angle)^2)

# Calculates and prints speed of light from predefined constants
print "Speed of light: " + 1 / sqrt($mu_0 * $epsilon_0)

# Calculates and prints mean
numbers are [1 2 3 4 5]
print "Mean: " + (mean of numbers)

# Prints if given number is prime or composite
num = 18
i = 1
num_factors = 0

while i < num {
if num % i == 0 {
 increment num_factors
 increment i

if num_factors > 1 {
 print "Composite"
} else {
 print "Prime"

Download the interpreter from here

Insights on Game Mechanics

Since I not only play video games but also develop them, I sometimes pay attention to various game mechanics that are operating under the hood. I am trying to compile all of them into a single text. This is a work in progress. You can download the latest version of the PDF from here.